Thursday, February 24, 2011

How to Diagnosis Home Plumbing Problems

Home plumbing is a series of pipes, drains, traps, and in some cases water filtration systems. Any of these may become impaired without notice. Diagnosing the problem is the first step to finding the resolution.
Difficulty: Moderate


  1. 1
    The fist step to diagnosing a plumbing problem is to watch for water to pool or drain slowly. This is usually the first sign of a problem and is noticed pretty quickly.
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    The second step is to trace the pipes or drains connected with the problem. A clogged bathroom sink or shower drain is most likely caused by hair in over 70% of the cases.
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    After finding the problem, if there is a leak involved, turn off the main water supply immediately. If the drain is slow, pour 1 treatment of BioClean into the drain. This helps clean the drain and remove debris. If the drain is not moving, and water is standing, use a plunger, then follow with 1 treatment of BioClean.

Tips & Warnings

  • One tip is to not wait for a "slow" drain to become a problem. Fix it before it becomes completely clogged. Check pipes for leaks if your water bill seems higher than usual. Never pour grease down a sink drain. Use BioClean in the drain before it becomes slow to prevent back-up.
  • Certain projects require a professional and should not be attempted or completed by a novice. Not repairing plumbing may cause further more extensive damage.

1 comment:

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