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| • | | Check faucets for drips or leaks. Make repairs to save water. | |
| • | | Ensure that all drains have strainers to prevent hair, soap and debris from clogging the drain lines. | |
| • | | Check toilets for hidden leaks. Add six drops of food coloring to the toilet tank. If the toilet is leaking, color will appear in the bowl within 30 minutes. | |
| • | | Inspect tank and bowl for cracks or leaks. | |
| • | | Exercise water supply valves under sinks and toilets to prevent them from sticking. | |
| • | | Make sure toilets flush properly. If the handle must be held down for a thorough flush or jiggled to stop the water from running you may need to replace worn tank parts. They're inexpensive and you'll notice a lower water bill. | |
| • | | Clean mineral deposits from showerhead. Unscrew it and soak in vinegar or fill a plastic baggie with vinegar; place it over the showerhead and hold in place with a rubber band. Soak overnight then remove and gently scrub with an old toothbrush to remove deposits. | |
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